
To make an appointment call 0208 808 0134

Maeve Heavey B.A.,Dip.Ac,DipCHM, ITEC, MBAcC, MRCHM

Maeve is an experienced, fully qualified, registered acupuncturist and herbalist with training in reflexology and aromatherapy.

Acupuncture is a system of healing developed over the past 3000 years in China. Extensive practice and research has shown acupuncture to be a safe and gentle treatment for the effective relief of many conditions.

Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the great herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. It forms a major part of healthcare provision for a quarter of the world's population in China and is provided in state hospitals alongside western medicine.

Herbalism together with acupuncture, dietary advice, exercise and specialist massage, form the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These disciplines are incorporated as required in the treatment of the individual. Disposable needles are used.

How can treatment help you?
It can relieve common problems of:
Mother care - pregnancy, labour, postnatal
Babies and children
Women’s and men’s health

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'We really have come on a journey together Maeve and I, and it has definitely been a roller coaster ride. I'm very grateful for her wisdom, emotional support and empathy and I would recommend her to anyone who is having trouble getting pregnant.
I want to say that I come from a family of Physicians and Nurses, so I most definitely don't disregard Western Medicine, but I do think that Chinese Medicine has something unique to offer, at this point in time, especially in the area of infertility. It is very interesting to note that a number of very successful IVF clinics offer or encourage patients to have acupuncture during their IVF cycle, as it has been proven to increase the success rate. I'm personally very pleased to see Eastern and Western Medicine working together in this way; it can only benefit us all.'
Nicole Woodward

copyright Maeve Heavey 2005 accessibility

photo of welcome mat

'At the time Maeve first treated me I was feeling extremely tired, stressed and lacking much of my natural enthusiasm. The acupuncture she administered, together with her robust common sense and warm bedside manner, restored some sparkle and gave me noticeably better sleep. I have continued to use her expertise over the many years since then, as and when I find the need to be uplifted and would recommend her to young and old, female and male.'
David Devoy

'I have entrusted Maeve with more or less the sole healthcare of my entire family for the past nine years. She does not give treatment for treatments sake. I always feel that she's there for me - she puts 110% of her energies in and continues to think of our treatment even when we are not in front of her. I am a different person healthwise to the one I was before we met. Her Irish sense of humour, pragmatism and frankness make me really enjoy being under her care.'
Anjana Devoy

Sincere thanks to David, Anjana and Nicole for their trust and confidence in me and their permission to use their names.